For months I’ve been looking for the perfect means for uploading my video work onto the blog. I’d been putting it off, constantly moving the task to the back burner whenever other things came along.
But now the time has come. Last Friday I helped a friend edit together a teaser trailer for his band. After four hours of fine tuning I asked him where he planned on hosting the results. He shrugged his shouldered and offered up YouTube.
Having done some piliminary research on the subject I immediately shoed the idea away.
What many don’t realize is YouTube claims ownership of whatever you upload as part of their terms of use agreement, as does the other majors: Yahoo, Google, Break…
After some research I reached a dead end. Every service claimed ownership. Then I remembered bookmarking a few months ago.
Blip fit the bill. Not only do they not claim ownership of your videos (well that’s half true, more in a second) but they have many options for presenting your videos on outside sites and have a wealth of organization and uploading tools. And the part I love, no annoying bugs! Sweet!
So that half truth: they claim the right to use your video in promoting their service, but where they differ is they don’t claim the right to sell your work for profit. On top of that, you are allowed to remove your videos at anytime and even request that they be removed from the Blip servers.
In my mind, it’s the perfect solution.
Take a look at my first upload. It’s the teaser trailer I edited for my friend’s band.
While you’re looking at that (can I interest you in a beverage?), I’m gonna go tinker some more. Oh yes, there will be more.